Business Licenses
What licensing requirements are there in New Mexico?
New businesses in New Mexico may be required to register with the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department. Businesses may also need to report tax income and withholdings. If your business has employees, you will need to register with the New Mexico Department of Labor.
To register a business in New Mexico, your business may need to apply for separate occupational licensing from the county where the business is located. There is no General Business State License.
What kind of occupational licenses are available?
There are over 30 different specialized occupational business licenses available. You can visit this site for a list of the licenses available. Each license also has a link to the commission or committee and their requirements for licensing. You can also contact New Mexico Regulations and Licensing Department for additional information at (505) 476-9500.
There are available online applications for specialized occupational businesses. To find out which are available, check here.
What is needed to register a business at the city/county level in New Mexico?
To register your business in most cities in New Mexico, you may need to do the following:
• Register with the Zoning Code Services division of the Planning Department
• Obtain a State Tax Identification Number for your business
• File the county’s business license/regulations application. Most are available online or in person
• Choose Business entity (DBA, General Partnership, Corporation, etc.)
While doing business in New Mexico, you will need to also choose a business entity (i.e., Corporation, Partnership, Sole Proprietor, etc.). Many of the state licenses depend on under which type of entity your business is structured.
What type of questions will be asked on the application?
Depending on the type of application applying for, you will most likely be asked:
• Name of business
• Address/location of business
• Tax Identification Number
• Owner’s names and addresses
• Any employees
• Type of ownership
• Date business started
In Hidalgo County
A new business must complete a business application form, which requires the state issued CRS number.
An application must be complete for each business and there is a $25.00 fee for each license.
The fee covers the calendar year (January 1-December 31) and is not pro-rated.
The business license fee must be submitted before engaging in business.
Fee for renewing business licenses is due by January 31 of each year.