The Hidalgo County Assessor is elected to offer fair and equitable assessment of all real and personal property for county taxing authorities and to provide a well-managed office that will serve the public with qualified, courteous staff to aid taxpayers in understanding and complying with property tax laws. A current, accurate tax base helps school districts, municipalities, and government agencies to fairly base tax levies for projects and service. The assessor can also determine if property is exempt by the state of New Mexico.The Assessor determines property value of homes, businesses, and other taxable property within the County for ad valorem tax purposes. The office compiles the tax roll for the County Treasurer for real property (land and improvements), personal property (business equipment), livestock and manufactured homes.The Assessor’s office maintains current and correct ownership records of all property within the county.

Office Hours 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM  Monday – Thursday

Important Calendar Days

January 1
All property subject to valuation for property tax
purposes shall be valued as of January 1 of each tax year.
All improvements, decreases in value, mobile
homes, livestock, business personal property, and
claims for any applicable exemptions are due by
the last day of February. 
April 1
On or before April 1, the County Assessor will mail the notice of value to property owners. If an owner wants to protest value determination,
it is allowable. The owner must file a petition of protest with the county assessor within thirty days of receiving notice of value (postmark date). There is
no legal right of the owner to protest the tax rate. 

Tax Bills and Assessed Value

Steps in Forming A Tax Bill:

  1. Assessor values property.
  2. Assessor reports values to New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration (DFA).
  3. County incorporated areas and school districts submit bedgets to DFA.
  4. DFA includes bond issue taxes.
  5. DFA checks budgets for compliance within New Mexico Statutes.
  6. DFA gives proposed tax rates to County Commissioners.
  7. Assessor issues a Tax Roll to the County Treasurer based on the *mil rate and taxable values.

Formula for Calculating Tax Amounts: Assessed value, less exemptions, divided by three, times the tax rate.

Home Ownership

Mobile Home Sales or Purchases

If you are moving or selling your mobile home, the Assessor will require the new site address, new mailing address and new owner’s name as it should appear on the new title to be issued by the state Motor Vehicle Department. After all information is taken, the Assessor will send you to the Treasurer’s Office to get a tax release. The Treasurer will collect all prior and current calendar year taxes before signing and sealing the tax release. Your paper work must then be taken to the Motor Vehicle Department for the changes to be made.

Taxes Paid by Mortgage Companies

If you have a mortgage on your property, your mortgage company MAY pay the taxes. However it is YOUR responsibility to insure that your mortgage company is paying your taxes. You can verify payment of the taxes by calling the Treasurer’s Office

Make Sure You Know!

Rendition of personal property and claiming of exemptions is required to be reported to the Assessor’s Office by the last day of February each year.

Notice of Values are mailed to every property owner by April 1 of each year. Owners have an additional 30 days after that date in which to report any changes that need to be made.