The Board of County Commissioners is the governing body of a county. Its duties, by state law, are both legislative and executive.
The Board of County Commissioners is given the power to control budget, levy taxes, and enact ordinances. It can analyze and settling all accounts of receipts and expenses. It also provides for the issuance of bond financing for public buildings, roads, utilities, hospitals, and libraries. It carries out election, planning and zoning, and health and safety functions.

Art Malott
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Joel Edwards, Commission Vice-Chairman
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Kelly Peterson, Commissioner
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The Board’s responsibility is the overall management of the County government operations.
The Board also appoints members of necessary boards and committees for projects and programs.
The Board, (which can be directed by an elected or appointed official) determines all department budgets. It sets the tax rate for all taxing entities of the County. It oversees county property purchases, sales, and construction and awards bids for services and supplies.
The current Board of Commissioners supports an open door policy which encourages public comment, suggestions, inquiries and attendance at all Board meetings. Minutes are taken and typed by the County Clerk at all meetings, public hearings, and bids.
Commissioners must conduct all official actions during open public meetings. Official business is noted on agendas and publicized before action can be taken. County Commissioner Board meetings are held every Second Wednesday of the month at 5:30 PM in the County Commission Chambers at the County Manager’s Office.