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Welcome to Hidalgo County, New Mexico

Hidalgo County borders Mexico along 86 miles of its boundary. Grant County sits north and east, Arizona runs along the west.

"A quote from an elected official"

Hope Haven

Hidalgo Hope Haven offers several services to the public; Income Support Division, New Mexico Department of Health, WIC and Recovery Management Center are all housed in this newly renovated building. Anyone needing these services can you use the contact information below.

Lordsburg-Hidalgo Library

The Lordsburg Hidalgo Library facility was built by the WPA, or Works Progress Administration 80 years ago. Finished in 1937, it has housed the library ever since.

DWI Program

The goal of the New Mexico DWI program is to reduce and prevent incidents of alcohol and drug-related DWI.


In the coming weeks, assessors will be performing inspections at properties acro the City that have not been inspected or sold in the last seven years.

Explore County Departments

New applicant? Please search and apply online. If you’re a returning applicant, you can log in. We also have an employee search for current employees.

County Manager

The County Manager is the County’s Chief Administrative Officer and is tasked with implementing the policies and directives established by the Board of County Commissioners. 


The mission of Dispatch Services is to handle 911 and non-emergency calls for law enforcement, medical, rescue, and fire to provide county citizens with quick and efficient response to best serve the needs of communities.

911 Addressor/Emergency Manager

The county addressor makes sure that all streets and roads in the county have place names, signs, and are entered according to 911 calling standards.

Hidalgo County Detention Center

It is the mission of the Hidalgo County Detention Center to safely and securely detain persons arrested awaiting trial and/or sentenced to the facility in a clean, humane, disciplined, structured environment directed by a trained professional staff.

Sheriff's Department

The Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office will preserve and protect the quality of life, safety, and welfare of citizens within the served community.

Road Department

Hidalgo County is broken into three sections: A, B, and C, which involve 480.7 miles of county maintained roads.

Contact Us

    Our Elected Officials

    Our elected officials consist of the County Commission, Assessor, County Clerk, County Treasurer, Sheriff, & Probate judge

    County Resources

    Connect with resources from Hidalgo County and from the State of New Mexico.

    Pay your Taxes Online

    Job Postings

    Search County Records

    List of County Mines

    Certificates of Property Tax Rates

    County Minutes & Agendas

    Sheriff's Department

    New Mexico Vital Records

    1895 NM County Map

    New Mexico GIS Map

    Upcoming Events

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    • This was an interesting shot to find about the history of Lordsburg and Hidalgo County. The curator, Dean Link, has done a good job of creating a story of thier past with limited resources for a small town and county. Most impressive was the Lordsburg POW camp exhibit and the Avon bottle collection (one of the largest) . If you’re interested in western history and want to see a shrinking town trying to hold its story and history together, this is a good stop when you’re going through Lordsburg.

      Bob Hood Avatar Bob Hood

      Though museums are my least favorite type of attraction, I’m happy I visited this highly unusual one! Everything Lordsburg is collecting within, and the outside is fascinating too, with a windmill, artillery and more. The volunteer asked me to sign in and gave a short overview, then left me to wander the place at my pace. She mentioned she’d gladly attempt to answer any questions I might have. Admission is free, and I left a donation in the box on my way out, after surprising myself by staying three hours. If I travel this way again, probably I’ll visit again.

      E C P Avatar E C P

      No heat but nice displays.

      John Mitchell Avatar John Mitchell

      Coolest place in lordsburg to visit. Cool artifacts in different rooms. Avon memorabilia room, P.O.W room, Phelps mine, and much more. It is worth the stop and not too far off the highway. Old armory that has been repurposed for enjoyment of many. The man who runs the museum is friendly and welcoming, we will be back.

      Teddie Mo Avatar Teddie Mo
    • Take your time out of this blast from an other era.

      Sean Pambrun Avatar Sean Pambrun

      Incredible museum for such a small community. It’s easy to spend multiple hours learning about the past. I especially enjoyed the information about the internment/POW camp. A can’t miss if you have a few extra hours to spend while passing through.

      J H Avatar J H

      Nice local museum with large indoor display areas and some outdoor displays.

      Land Shark Avatar Land Shark

      A must see, though I confess I don’t like the term. Very nice a three times what I expected. Free admission too, can you believe it!?

      Charles Hostetler Avatar Charles Hostetler
    • Well thought out and user friendly. Really liked it!

      Mike Jones Avatar Mike Jones

      We loved the town history.

      Robert Velasquez Avatar Robert Velasquez