Important Calendar Days

January 1stBy January 1st, the the taxable value of all property in the county is determined. If property valueschange during the year, the changes in tax will not take effect until the next January 1.
February All improvements, decreases in value, mobile homes, livestock, and claims for any applicable
exemptions are due by the last day of February.
April 1stOn or before April 1, the County Assessor mails notices of value to property owners. If an owner
ants to protest value determination, it is allowable under denial of exemptions, classification,
allocation of taxes to a governmental unit or limitation in value increase as provide by state law.
The owner must file a petition of protest with the county assessor within thirty days of receiving
notice of value (postmark date). The second method is file for a claim of refund in district court
after paying your property taxes before the delinquent date. Property owners cannot use both
methods on the same property in the same year. There is no legal right of the owner to protest the
tax rate. 
June 15 The total net taxable values in the county are certified to the Property Tax Division. After this date,valuation changes generally require a court order.
June 30 The NM Division compiles all values certified by all counties and forwards to the Department and
Finance for its use in making budgets and setting tax rates.
September 1 The NM Department of Finance and Administration sets the tax rates. The county certifies the tax
rates. A copy of the written order imposing the tax rates shall be delivered to the County Assessor.
Rates consist of operating rates that finance ongoing operations of government, and debt rates
used to finance long-term capital improvements.
October 1 By October 1, the County Assessor prepares the property tax schedule (tax roll) for the county and
delivers it for billing. The tax roll lists every property, description, owner, address, value for
property tax purposes, classification, exemptions allowed, applicable tax rates and tax amount.
November 1 Tax bills are mailed, amounts based on the values set as of January 1 of this tax year.
November 10 The first half of the bill is due.  After paying their first installment of taxes due, property owners
who question the amount have sixty days to file a claim for refund in district court, if they have not exercised the option of filing a petition of protest with the County Assessor. Property owners cannot file a petition of protest and a claim for refund in the same year.

December 10 Unpaid taxes (the first half) are delinquent if not paid by December 10. On this date penalty &
interest began to accrue. This date is also the last day to file a claim for refund, the second
method for protesting assessments. To be eligible to file a claim for refund, the owner must pay the tax billed prior to the delinquency date.
January 9 Last day to file a claim for refund.
April 10 Second half of tax bills are due.
May 10 Taxes are delinquent if not paid. Interest and penalties accrue.

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